The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) is an executive agency of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the highest decision-making body. It serves as the “Etat-Major” and the “One-Stop Service” of the Royal Government, responsible for rehabilitation and development, public and private investments, and the establishment and management of special economic zones. This government agency is chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Sun Chanthol, ensuring high-level oversight and support for investment projects. The CDC has the following organizational structure:

  • The Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board (CRDB) being under the direct supervision of a Secretary General which is the key component of the CDC, focusing on the coordination of development assistance and aid effectiveness in the country.
  • The Cambodian Investment Board (CIB) being under the direct supervision of a Secretary General to handle general investment activities, including the approval and monitoring of investment projects and to provide services related to investment incentives, such as tax holidays and duty exemptions.
  • The Cambodian Special Economic Zones Board (CSEZB) being under the direct supervision of a Secretary General to oversee the establishment and management of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Cambodia, which are designated areas offering specific advantages to businesses, such as improved infrastructure and streamlined regulatory processes.
  • The General Secretariat of the CDC being under the direct supervision of the Secretary General of the CDC.


CDC’s vision is to be the Government Investment Promotion Agency with efficient and effective work and outputs, delivering benefits to the people of Cambodia through increased investment. Its purpose is to manage the Cambodian Government’s private sector investment policy and help attract and retain productive private sector investment.


CDC’s mission is to promote and facilitate foreign and local investments to achieve a healthy private sector in Cambodia’s development with commitment to speeding up new investment project approvals and providing a truly effective one-stop service to all investors. To achieve this mission, CDC:

  • Provide information to potential investors
  • Review investment applications and grant incentives
  • Monitor investment projects after implementation
  • Provide after-care service to investors in their projects’ implementation
  • Provide a platform for private sector to participate in policy dialogue with the government through biannual Government-Private Sector Forum

CDC also works closely with other government agencies and leverage its operational arms of the Cambodian Investment Board (CIB) and the Cambodian Special Economic Zone Board (CSEZB) to ensure that our investors are efficiently supported.


CDC embodies:

  • A strong client focus
  • Cooperation within CDC and with other agencies
  • Integrity and honesty
  • Openness to new ideas
  • Team work and communication

Roles and Responsibilities

The CDC shall be the executive agency of the Royal Government and shall have the following responsibilities:

  • To be the “Etat-Major” and the “One-Stop Service” of the Royal Government responsible for the rehabilitation and development, public and private investments, and the establishment and management of special economic zones;
  • To work with all development partners and NGOs in order to sensitize them to the economic strategy conception and the priorities of the country development of the Royal Government to effectively coordinate the reception and the allocation of development assistance according to the needs and priorities by emphasizing the Royal Government’s ownership in order to achieve greater results for the nation;
  • To facilitate and coordinate works between ministries and other governmental institutions with development partners and NGOs as well as investors;
  • To guide the distribution and utilization of public and private resources in the development of Cambodia;
  • To facilitate and streamline administrative procedures for development partners and investors;
  • To review and decide on all the matters pertaining to the rehabilitation and development works and investment projects of development partners, private investments and the establishment and management of special economic zones.


  1. The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC)
  2. Sub Decree on The Organization and Functioning of The Council for the Development of Cambodia