Connecting Dots is the Aquarii’s monthly publication, a collation of selected highlights of business- and investment-related news and developments concerning Cambodia from the preceding month. The primary purpose of Connecting Dots is to raise awareness of Cambodia, and provide international businesses and investors with relevant insights and updates of interest on the potential, opportunities and challenges of the Cambodian market / economy.
Stay informed with #business and #economy updates in #Cambodia from the preceding month with the in-market experts. April issue includes:
- Cambodia: +2 Years for UN Status Change
- More Market Demand for “Digitally Skilled”
- Cambodia’s Trade is Up with Vietnam by 25%
- Exports to EU are Growing: A Closer Look
And more…
You can stay up to date with key updates in the Kingdom with Aquarii, through our business resources section or on new and existing law in our library of laws section, both right here on our website.
Also included in this month’s issue also features our new ‘Properties of the Month’, where we share our commercial and residential real estate highlights that are available for viewing. If you would like to view these properties or learn about other great investment opportunities, get in touch here.
You can also stay up to date on the latest developments through our social media channels.
We hope the monthly compilation is informative relevance to our readers, both locally and internationally. Do let us know at our email: [email protected] if there is a specific topic of interest you would like us to include in future editions, or if you have any suggestions on how Connecting Dots can be improved.