Habitat for Humanity Cambodia
Business Overview
Since 2003, Habitat for Humanity Cambodia has served more than 175,000 families to improve their living conditions through housing interventions, WASH facilities, community development programs, and partnership with a diverse group of international and local non-governmental organizations, microfinance institutions, corporate partners, local and national authorities.
Business Information
Non Profit Organization Management
Phnom Penh
Registration year:
No. of employees:
National Housing Forum, Building homes for extremely vulnerable individuals, Building communities, Disater risk reduction and response, Market Development - Housing Finance, Land and housing advocacy, Solid Ground Campaign
Contact Information
Address: #487Eo, Street 53BT, Kbal Tomnub village, Sangkat Boeng Tumpun II, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 997 840
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://habitatcambodia.org/